Prayer: make it simple and frequent

May 25, 2022

‘When you are praying.’Matthew 6:7 NASB

Knowing our tendency to complicate things, Jesus said, ‘When you are praying, do not use thoughtless repetition… for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.’ (Matthew 6:7–8 NASB) By using the words ‘thoughtless repetition’, He’s teaching us that prayer doesn’t have to be long, loud, or laboured. And because He said ‘your Father knows what you need before you ask Him,’He’s inviting you to find a Scriptural promise that corresponds to your need and stand on it.

Charles Swindoll, who uses his driving time to pray, writes this: ‘Often I speak to God out loud. Sometimes I sing to Him. Occasionally the entire prayer will be in my mind. Each time I commit myself to prayer, I notice that God becomes my focus rather than some personal struggle. I’m relieved of worry. I’m able to release anything concerning me so that I can become altogether lost in the majesty of His presence and the joy of ministry. When I arrive, I’m excited to do as God pleases. I find myself refreshed, relieved, and ready. My mind is focused. My heart is prepared. My emotions are clear, and whatever was troubling me when I began that drive no longer concerns me. Prayer has made that possible. Now I wish I could say I use every commute every day for time in prayer. But like many people, I often forget. My mind will be spinning from one problem to the next and rather than pray, I churn. At times I’ll be so anxious it doesn’t occur to me that I should quit worrying and start praying.’

Prayer: make it simple, make it frequent.

SoulFood: 1 Kings 14–15, Mark 12:1–12, Ps 101, Pr 12:12–13
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2022

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